Friday, October 14, 2011

Fashion Events Insider: Anya Ayoung-Chee Hosts Project Runway Viewing Party

Last evening, Anya Ayoung-Chee indulged an intimate, group of friends, family and supporters with good drinks and good company at her Project Runway Viewing Party. The event which was held at the Carlton Savannah Hotel in Port-of-Spain Trinidad was well attended and included popular, local socialites Bunji Garlin and his wife Fay ann Lyons-Alvares, Caribbean's Next Top Model coordinator Ian Royer, Above Group Ogilvy CEO Alex Smeils, and many others. CNC3 news was also there to host inerviews during commercial breaks.

         Anya Ayoung-Chee with friends Fay ann Lyons and Bunji Garlin.
         Anya designed Fayann's costume for her Soca Monarch 2011 performance.

The evening's events began at 6:00 pm on the rooftop where everyone gathered for photos, chitchat and beverages compliments of one of the evening's sponsors, Nuvo. FLOW Trinidad, another sponsor, set up a large projected screen in the Jetsam room of the hotel where everyone later congregated to watch the show.

Cheers, jeers and laughter coud be heard during the show as Anya's biggest supporters shared her special PR moments. During the first commercial break Anya addressed her guests, welcoming them and thanking them for their support. She also took that time to share her feelings about her experiences on Project Runway and compared it with her time at the Miss Universe pageant. She announced that her fan favourite winnings, a total of US $10,000.00 would be used to develop a micro-financing fund to help creative young people achieve their dreams. This of course, she would do if she does win. Her chances of winning depend on the number of votes she has at the end of the season.

To vote for a fan favourite, go to

Anya Ayoung-Chee poses with her mother and representatives of the Tallman Foundation
Entrance to the event cost $100.00 which was collected in aid of the Tallman Foundation, a charity that Anya supports.

Full photo set: Inside TeL Magazine

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