Sunday, November 13, 2011

Creativity The Next Commodity; Caribbean Designers Take Part in Brooklyn Fashion Week/Fashion Film Festival

Creativity The Next Commodity: - Google just launched 100 channels. While Comcast has committed to at least 11 cable channels and Google, Apple, and Skype has introduced "TV's" ... which translates to a need for content!
Brooklyn Fashion Week Introduces the Brooklyn Fashion Film Festival as a "virtual" space to share a worldwide marketing effort by Independent Fashion Designers, Stylist and beauty professionals!
This year they sent out the challenge to fashion design professionals and others in our creative community… 'Tell us your story!' They invited them to create a 3-15 minute video or “Fashion Film”! The goal is to get them to explore modern technology! To Show, Sell, Share or Teach!
Image:- Designer Louis Narcisee ... and Pharaonic Designs Collaborations of Greatness"

Technology removes the Barries of Geaography

Designers Show Share and sell Internationally... From November 13th-20th, they will explore video tools that allow for Sharing showcasing and selling . Web Video enables meetings, showcases, sales, support and services, global access to sourcing, trade and a new consumer base. BKFFF as an online event removes the limitations of location by being virtual and accessible to participants and viewers around the world.
Image:- Designer Esther Joseph participates from her studio in St Lucia... See her creative Talent! Kuumba Designs St Luciar register online to see videos from other Participants! Mike Sylla From Paris ,,, Robert Young From Trinidad!
Below from Columbus Ohio Lauren Luna Shoes) Shoes

How Do Artists Master the Technology for Sustainability and Profit:

**Nov 13th-20th - BFFF will ask The Creative Community to explore Video & technology during Brooklyn Fashion Film Festival... **
They asked them to do so Online and offline in Open Formats to inspire others! They reached into their Social networks and asked Designers, Dancers, Musicians and other artist and creatives from New York, Ohio, Arizona, Paris, St Lucia, Trinidad, Gambia to start using video in their businesses!
Attend Brooklyn Fashion Film Festival Online (BKFFF)
Virtual Viewing Schedule Register at
Sponsors;- Streets of New York 411 | Vyou | Vokle| Kumble Theater | The Blue Wonder | WoomenMoves klickable| Dreamface| O'hours| Buyosphere | 282AC |
connect with them here
Streets Of New York 411 Is a proud ( Sponsor )of this Event 

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